Synopsis of – “Covid-19 : Call for a New normal(s) – A Pragmatic Appraisal” By Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma

With much anticipation and enthusiasm shared by both the registered students and faculties alike, the session started on a positive note with our Principal Dr. Asha Sundaram introducing our resource person Dr. Rakesh Sharma who is already a well-known name among the Saveetha family. Followed by an intriguing prelude from our senior student coordinator Ms. Saadhana, the session began as our guest took over. He started off with a basic and equally important understanding of how this Virus as we know it came to being and all that the scientific community knows about it. After recapping the general public response all over the world and taking a jibe at India’s slow ascent to the top of the infamous Global Fatality Rankings, professor soon highlighted the troubles the virus has brought along with it in terms of access to education, and the new hurdles which may especially be too steep for the down-trodden. He spoke about the need to adapt and innovate in order to make sure University education goes on in the face of this pandemic. Towards the end many strategies, solutions and roadblocks were discussed before he answered some genuinely interesting questions posed by the students and our dear principal. With this session ended on a high note with a closing statement from our Guest, it would be safe to say it was an enlightening session and an afternoon well-spent.

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The webinar was very interesting and informative as the resource person focused on 3 stages of this pandemic disease and also discussed in detail about the role played by China in producing the virus which he termed as Trade war. The way he led the discussion was so interactive so that students could also clear their doubts which everyone had about its

The resource person had shared the presentations and also discussed it widely and gave a better understanding of the concept to the students.

Also the host took part in student interaction at the end where a set of questions were put forth and he also clarified them in a crisp and effective manner, thus eradicating the doubts in the students minds. One PhD scholar had also participated for this event. He asked some case laws which where really related to our issue. Moreover The host also took time in elaborating the doubts of the faculties too… and thus it was a learning session for not only the students but to the faculties also.

Out of the 45 total participants Two were faculties Coordinators and the rest 33 students had effectively participated.

The session was held at 11 AM through the Zoom cloud meeting on 3rd of June, 2020


Dr. Asha Sundaram

Mr.Ahmed Hassan Razooqi

Ms. Aysha Fida


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Rule of law by Adv.Narmada Sampath

The webinar was held on 2nd June of 2020. The student organizer welcomed the special guest and the participants followed by which Sushrudhan gave a brief introduction of the Guest. The guest started her lecture from the historical value of Rule of law in countries like France, Japan etc. Then she moved on to the concept of Rule of law and how it was perceived by various jurists like Albert Venn Dicey and Tom Bingham. She also explained the 8 principles laid down by Tom Bingham and explained how it relates to concepts like ADR and Double jeopardy. Moving from the historical background of Rule of law she efficiently explained the Rule of law in Modern times. She explained the Rule of law enshrined in the Constitution and how Article 19,14 and 21 are connected like vertices of a triangle. Then, she explained the international law quoting few international conventions which is effectively implementing the Rule of law. Towards the end she explained the importance of Rule of law. By the end no student asked doubt during the time given for asking questions to the resource person. By 4.10PM the webinar ended.


Dr. Asha Sundaram, Principal, SSL

Mrs. Girija Anil, Assistant Professor, SSL



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Assisted Reproductive Technology

The webinar commenced on Zoom as scheduled on 02/06/2020 (Tuesday) at 5 Pm.The Guest speaker Hari. G .Ramasubramanian was welcomed by the student organiser and a brief introduction was done before proceeding with the lecture. The webinar was attended by 50 people and the guest lecturer dealt with matters such as surrogacy. Fertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology and the complex legal framework governing it . Some important cases like BK Parthasarathy Vs State of AP and the landmark Japanese baby case were highlighted to show the growing importance of this niche category of law . The guest lecturer further discussed the various recommendations put forth by multiple Law Commissions but proceeding with a Q/A session with the students This session in its entirety went on for an hour and concluded with the participants putting forth their various queries regarding Assisted Reproductive Technology Law.

Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Asha Sundaram, Principal, SSL

Student Coordinator

Keerthan M Murali , B.A.LLB. (Hons), Vth Year , SSL

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Webinar on Constitutional Interpretation by Supreme Court

A webinar on ‘Constitutional Interpretation by Supreme Court’ held on 2nd June, 2020, where a total number of 80 delegates participated . With the guest speaker Prof. Dr. Rajashekar, from University of Madras delivered the lecture.

Where he discussed the different aspects of constitutional interpretation with pros and cons of Literal and the Liberal interpretation. He also discussed the importance of rule of law and the way it was interpreted by the Naturalistic school of thought and the Positivist school of thought. Another important aspect which was discussed is the role of interpretation in resolving conflicts between Fundamental rights and Directive Principles of state policy. He also emphasized on the usage of the Constitutional Assembly debates as an important tool for interpretation of the Constitution. He explained the concepts with help of case laws which includes AK Gopalan case, the ADM Jabalpur case, the Maneka Gandhi case, sabarimala case, recent subramaniyaswamy case etc. which made the lecture more effective and he also highlighted how the creative ideas of judges have been accepted over time and its impacts. Overall the webinar was enlightening.

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Webinar on Hindu Code Bill and its Impact on Indian Society

The resource person for the webinar was Mr. V. Ganesh Babu . He dealt with “ Hindu Code Bill and its Impact on Indian Society” and shared details about the

  • Social Background of India 

  • Exploitation in India

  • Bills passed by Dr. Ambedkar and Former Minister Jawaharlal Nehru the code dealt with  Succession, Maintenance, Marriage and Divorce, Minority and Guardianship and Adoption.

Lastly the lecturer had an interactive session with the students. Where students posted different questions for the last 10mins of the webinar.

Overall the webinar was satisfactory and informative and effective. We also learned many new Concepts and cases.

The coordinator of the webinar where Dr.Asha sundaram Principal SSL and student B.Swathi.

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Career in a law firm and career as a in house counsel:an insight.

Forgetting the autonomy from the Unlock down 1.0, Students of Saveetha School of Law geared up to participate the webinar on Career in law firms and career as a in-house counsel n Insight on June 1, 2020 between 2:00 pm and 3:10 pm. The Event was coordinated by Prof.Dr.Asha Sundaram, principal Saveetha School of Law, and Leelesh Sundaram.B with 90 participants. The speaker of the session was Adv. Markose Thomas, British Chevening Scholar,LLM ( University of London), Ex AZB & Partners and In-House Counsel, Singapore.

The lecture commenced with an explanation on available career opportunities for fresh law graduates in India. Moving on, explanation on In house counsel and legal advisor was given with the differences between the two. The speaker also explained the advantages and disadvantages of being an in house counsel. The lecture also covered the qualities that are required for a corporate lawyer. After the lecture, for the next 20 minutes the participants got their doubts clarified. The webinar served a great purpose as it enabled students to develop a legal career with a multidisciplinary approach and work the unscathed and ambiguous parts in legal profession effortlessly.

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n 29th May 2020 at 10.00 A.M WEBINAR was Organised by Hariraman.B , Associate Professor , Labor Law Department, SaveeTha School Of Law , SIMATS, Chennai through ZOOM Platform on the Topic “ Career in Law and Higher Studies after Law Graduation” , WEBINAR was delivered by Dr, CHOLARAJ .M , Assistant Professor, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law , University of DELHI, during his lecture he discussed various aspect including career opportunity in India and Aboard , and Higher studies in various university including foreign university and New Branch of Law for Specialisation in LL.M , The session went for more than One and Half Hour , The Students asked Many Question all were clarified by the resource person , further he also has given various web-links and material for the use of students .

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Anandh swaroop Gupta Memorial National Virtual Moot court competition

Saveetha School of Law is the winner of the 1st Anandh swaroop Gupta Memorial National Virtual Moot court competition concluded today.

There were a total of 22 teams participating in the event and we beat SOEL in semifinals and GLC, Mumbai in Finals.

Our team comprised of Madhu Balaaji, Subhayoga and Rangeela.Saveetha school Of Law was declared as the Winners of 1st ANAND SWAROOP GUPTA ONLINE NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION, 2019 organised by SHARDA SCHOOL OF LAW, SHARDA UNIVERSITY, DELHI.

Qualified As one of the top 4 teams out of 22 teams in Prelims and qualified to semi finals. In Semi finals they faced SOEL, Chennai in which they won in knock out round and qualified to Finals. In finals they faced GLC Mumbai which was adjudged by the sitting High court Judges of Allahabad, Patna and Delhi. They won the 1st edition of Anand Swaroop Gupta Online National Moot Court competition, 2020 in knockout basis. The valedictory ceremony was graced by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Judge Supreme Court of India and the team Also received cash award of Rs. 15,000 along with SCC subscription for 1 year.

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Recent Trends in Mergers and Acquisitions Webinar

On 28th May, 2020 Centre for Criminal Justice Research (CCJR), Saveetha School of Law, organised a Webinar on “Recent Trends in Mergers and Acquisitions”, by Ms. Mary Julie John, Partner, J. Sagar Associates. The speaker started the session by introducing the purpose of Mergers and Acquisitions and the role of statutory bodies like SEBI and CCI in these high valued transactions. She walked the students through the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 regarding the procedure with NCLT, court driven processes, fast track mergers etc. She later shifted focus to types of M&A transactions especially the scenarios of acquisition without change of management, acquisition of listed entities and the role of SEBI in such transactions. Her later session concentrated on M&As between resident and non resident participants and the areas where FDI is permitted and prohibited. The speaker recapitulated the significance of compliance with pricing guidelines and explained the concepts of “Ceiling and Floor” in terms of fair value.

The discussion then moved onto the role of Competition Commission of India (CCI) on M&A transactions that meet or cross the prescribed thresholds. She also explained the need for legal due diligence in such transactions predominantly the representations, warranties and indemnities. She differentiated between Asset Purchase Agreement and Business Transfer Agreement and also discussed the recent trends and impacts in M&As in the wake of COVID19, especially COVID19 related employee claims, litigation and recoveries.

The session was attended by about 100 students and faculties and was widely appreciated by the participants for its rich content and online interactive Q and A session."

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Human Rights and Education: A Comparative Analysis on India and Guinea

Definition of Human Rights: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, caste, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination.

Education has been formally recognized as a human right since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. This has since been reaffirmed in numerous global human rights treaties, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); the Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960); The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966); The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1981).

Article 26 (1) of the UDHR stipulates that: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Education in Guinea is a Constitutional right. Part II of Guinean Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights. (Constitution of May 7, 2010) Art. 23 sections 4 and 5 recognizes education as a human right.

Likewise, India also recognizes education as a human right. Therefore, Part III of Constitution of India deals with Fundamental Rights. Art. 21 (A) stipulates that " the State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine".

Both Countries have some drawbacks in common but challenges are slightly different.

Dropout is common to both India and Guinea for one reason or another. In the case of Guinea dropout is due to lack of opportunity, lack of facilities and even chances. That’s why many children at a very young age are tempted to illegal migration dropping out from school. While in India dropout can be justified by the social barriers like the charturvarna system along with the Reservation Clause.

Challenges ahead will require us to adapt and upgrade our curricula to the need of the job market.

This will take place only through international cooperation.

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Webinar on Introduction to Disaster Management Act,2005

The webinar on Introduction to Disaster Management Act,2005 was conducted by Dr. Jacob P. Alex, Adv ,High Court of Kerala on Monday 25th May 2020 at 2:30 P.M. the session was held through the zoom cloud meeting. Dr. Jacob discussed about the importance of disaster management in the present days and thoroughly explained the important sections of disaster management act. He gave an idea to the students about how local self governments are helping in controlling disasters in the ground level. He said that the focus of disaster management should shift from post disaster management to preparedness and mitigation of disasters. He also discussed about various conventions and conferences like Sendai and Yokoham and gave an idea about how the provisions of these conventions were implemented in our Disaster Management Act. In the last 15 minutes interactive session, the host discussed with students regarding the current Pandemic issue. The host discussed about the issue of Covid 19 and how it can be controlled by properly implementing the provisions the Disaster management Act. The whole session was informative and interactive. The queries and doubts of the students were well cleared by the host. Participation Two faculties coordinated the webinar and the rest 62 participants were the students of the college. Outcomes • Students were able to understand how Local Self Government helps in controlling disaster in Ground level. • Faculties and Students were enlightened with the Conferences and Conventions related to Disaster Management. • The webinar helped the students to understand about the current pandemic issue and they also understood how to control the issue with strictly complying the procedure under Disaster Management Act. Coordinates Dr. Asha Sundaram Mrs. Sornalakshmi Ms. Misha P Madhu

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The webinar was held on 23.5.2020 where Mr.Vijayakumar.K.V Associate vice president (legal) kotak Mahindra Bank, Chennai presided over the session, with 99 participants and co-ordinated by Dr.Asha sundaram(Principal),Mrs.L.Priyadharshini(Asst.Professor) and Mrs.Sornalakshmi,(Asst professor).

The session was very informative and fruitful, In Fact it was a very useful webinar that kept all the delegates occupied during the quarantine in a productive manner. The host discussed in depth about the banking sector and the functioning, organisational structure of banks etc. It was a new topic and proved to be an Interesting one. And the host took time in discussing the present financial structure of India and also the governments reactions to it. Thus it proved effective in making the students aware about the present day scenario which was the need of the hour.

Also the host took part in student interaction at the end where a set of questions were put forth and he also clarified them in a crisp and effective manner, thus eradicating the blankness of doubts in the students minds. Moreover The host also took time in elaborating the doubts of the faculties too… and thus it was a learning session for not only the students but to the faculties too.

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which was held on 23.5.2020 where Dr. Haribalaj.V.R Public health emergency specialist(UNICEF) presided over the session, with a total number of 87 delegates,coordinated by Dr.Asha sundaram(Principal),Mrs.L.Priyadharshini((Asst professor) and Mrs.Sornalakshmi (Asst professor).It was wow OMG!!! an awesome session. Moreover the hosts interest towards the session was in peak, as he took time and extended the webinar to multiple sessions on the request of the students. It was found to be a very enlightening experience to the delegates. The session proved to be an awareness to the present scenario as well as post pandemic life and thus a valuable one. The resource person was also so affectionate towards the young delegates and their careers as well and gave enlightening paths and information about sources for a good career of the students.

The host took time to answer all the questions put forth by the delegates. Also the webinar inculcated humanitarian values and created a further interest in the young minds regarding the field. As the field in itself was very new it proved much more effective and also gave hope to the young delegates about the future. In simple words, the webinar was simply WOW!!!

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Webinar on constitution courts and the law-a miscellany

In the midst of the lockdown 4.0, after an insightful session on freedom of speech Saveetha School of Law geared up to organize the webinar on Constitution, rights and court on 22nd of May between 10:30 am to 12:10 pm. The Event was coordinated by Prof.Dr.Asha Sundaram, principal Saveetha School of Law, Asst. Prof Niranjana, Head of Criminal law Department and Asst.Prof. Sornalakshimi. The speaker of the session was Honourable Justice Thiru Jayachandran, former judge High court of Madras and senior Advocate Supreme Court of India. Though the topic of the webinar seemed to be a general and a common one but the session was insightful as at the end of the day one will be able to have a bird’s eye view on constitutionin terms of professional accalre.

This session was a very informative one as it related the mother of Indian laws with judiciary, anthropology and psychology which is much needed at this hours as it would serve great importance for the students in future. The webinar served a great purpose as it enabled students to study a legal concept with a multidisciplinary approach and learn the unscathed and ambiguous parts of law effortlessly.

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Webinar on Freedom of Speech

A webinar was conducted for the students of saveetha school of law by Advocate Narmada Sampath

Additional advocate general Madras High court on 18.05.2020 conducted webinar by 12 pm on the topic Freedom of speech. She gave a detailed lecture on constitutional provisions with regard to right to freedom of speech .She also enlightened the students of evolution of the various laws in other countries with regard to freedom of speech.

It was a enriching experience for the students and she also shared her legal and academic experience .

90 students of Saveetha school of law participated and where benefitted by the webinar.The webinar was coordinated by Mrs.Asha sundaram (Principal),Mrs.Girija(Asst.Professor) and Mrs.Sornalakshmi(Asst professor).

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The webinar was a very fruitful and informative one as the host threw light upon various international laws in weapons and weapon related matters and also discussed in detail about what weapons and what practices relating to arms were legal, and what practices were banned, etc. in international law. Also various conventions like the Prohibition of Chemical weapon convention etc also were discussed and thus students of SSL were exposed to a new yet interesting topic in a highly informative way.

Also the host took part in student interaction at the end where a set of questions were put forth and she also clarified them in a crisp and effective manner, thus eradicating the blankness of doubts in the students minds. Moreover The host also took time in elaborating the doubts of the faculties too… and thus it was a learning session for not only the students but to the faculties also.

Out of the 74 total participants Two were faculties Coordinators and the rest 72 students had effectively participated.

The session was held at 8.15 AM through the Zoom cloud meeting on 15th May, 2020

The outcomes were

  • Students were introduced to a new branch of international law that is the Weapons and Armed conflict matters.

  • Students and faculties were enlightened with numerous treaties and international agreements.

  • Interactive Q&A session proved to further elucidate the concepts.

  • Students thus have cultivated a specific interest towards International law and Humanitarian law aspects.

  • It was a very valuable use of the quarantine time and thus gave a meaningful session for the students.


Dr. Asha Sundaram

Dr. Tenzin

Mrs. Sornalakshmi

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Webinar on Copyright Laws

"On 13th May, 2020 Centre for Criminal Justice Research (CCJR), Saveetha School of Law, organised a Webinar on “Copyright Laws”, by Mr Harshavardhan Ganesan, Advocate, Madras HC. The speaker started the session by introducing the general principles of IPR and types of IPR. He abreast the history of copyright law in India starting from Royal Charter to Copyright Amendment Act, 2012. He later shifted focus to Copyright, its characteristics and copyrightable products etc. He differentiated the rights of the owner or creator and that of performers and broadcasters. His later session concentrated on various international copyright agreements like The Berne Convention, WIPO Copyright Treaty and Rome Convention among others. The speaker talked a great deal about the “Fair Use Doctrine” and its impact on the potential market. He juxtaposed the duration of Copyright protection in India and USA.

The discussion then moved onto factors determining infringement and available civil and criminal remedies. He concluded the session with case studies ranging from R.G Ananad to Eastern Book Company and the role of Anton Pillar and John Doe Orders in Copyright Infringement suits.

The session was attended by about 80 students and faculties and was widely appreciated by the participants for its rich content and online interactive Q and A session."

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Public Insurance Liability Act , 1991

The Special Lecture Delivered by Ms Aishwarya From Dr. Ambedkar Govt law University on The Public Insurance Liability Act 1991, concentrated on the areas like Application for Relief, the procedure when the owner who is liable to pay the relief , disposal of property to evade the payment of the relief, Offences and Penalties for the defaulters, the binding of the award etc.

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Constitutional Amendment

Special lecture was delivered on the topic "Constitutional Amendment". The speaker elucidated the parts and schedules of the Constitution and emphasised on Art.368 of the Indian Constitution. The speaker elaborated the Doctrine of Basic Structure in the light of relevant case laws Sankari Prasad to Kesavananda Bharathi. The speaker had also discussed the recent amendments including the Citizenship Amendment Act.

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