"Change is the law of life and those who look to the past or present are certain to miss the future" - President John F Kennedy.
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life" - Mohammed Ali.
True to this phrase, we have achieved 12 ground breaking innovations that will change the course of legal education in our future. Scroll dow to view our
26 Ground Breaking Innovations & Counting...
1. CBCS - StudyFLEX® Montissori System:
Saveetha School of Law has one of the best implementations of CBCS systems in the country. We have enhanced the system with our StudyFLEX® Initiative. In our system, the student has a choice to choose their course, faculty, duration across the entire program. We have a complex algorithm that digitally maps the students progress and prerequisites to open up future courses. In a true mixed age group environment, the students are exposes to advanced peer collaborations that completely change the dynamics of learning. Just like a Montessori system of school education, the students take up different roles within these multi age group learning centres. Seniors play the role of peer mentors and juniors will play the role of explorers in this system. This creates an inspiring learning atmosphere wherein students can join senior teams in inter college competitions early on in-their curriculum.
2. Multiple Minor Specialisations
Our Unique CBCS system allows you to take up to 32 credits every semester. This opens up an amazing opportunity for students to complete upto 80 papers. Although any Law student has to complete 53 papers to graduate, they have the option to use the extra time in pursuing upto 24 additional papers of the over 100+ elective courses offered in the school. If a graduate successfully completes over 8 papers in a particular specialisation, they will be awarded an additional minors degree. This provides an incredible platform for our students to follow their passion and develop an extraordinary edge over the graduates of other law schools.
3. Unique and Modern Subjects
We have further innovated our curriculum with numerous unique subjects that includes space law, maritime law, sports law, law in biotechnology, forensic science etc. This is made possible because of our extensive faculty team of over 54 members; many of whom are specialised in many advanced and special subjects. It should be noted that most law schools in the country have just 20 faculty members. Only with sufficitent faculty and a good faculty student ration can an institution even begin to think of implementing such innovations in education. This shows our commitment to providing quality education and stand out unique in the law faternity.
4. Special Credit Transfer
Saveetha school of Law has established collaborative programs with over 75 institutions all over the world. We have international collaborations with over 40 universities, students are offered various externship programs wherein they visit there universities for upto 6 months and complete many courses. These course credits are transferred as per the compliance of the Washington accords. Furthermore, we also accept limited credit transfer from major MOOC courses conducted by major national law schools in India. All these opportunities enrich the experience of our graduates to become better professionals.
5. Award Winning MILA® Pedagogy
At Saveetha School of Law we follow our proprietary MILA® ( Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm) where our classes are divided into bursts of 20 minute lectures interposed with activities that range from POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning), PLTBL ( Peer Led Team Based Learning), CABLE ( Critical Appraisal Based Learning),
6. iPad based learning
Each student of Saveetha School of Law is given an iPad at the time of admissions. Students extensively use this iPad to carry our research, review seminars, markup notes for journal discussions and so on. With our commitment to MOOCS and integrated learning, iPad provides the best platform for our students to learn and create acadmic master pieces.
7. Flipped Classes
Flipped classes are the latest revolution in education. From Harvard to Saveetha all leading institutions have adopted this learning technique. We prepare iBooks for our students, in this we create rich content that cover the entire syllabus. Currently we have prepared iBooks for over 30% of the curriculum and we have a strong commitment to creating our entire curriculum with iBooks for our students to cherish and enjoy. We offer many of these iBooks in our stores and Youtube channel as well for students of other colleges to benefit from this content.
8. RBL - Research Based Teaching
Our unique curriculum has integrated research as a major component for formative assessment. we encourage our students to do small doctrinal and empirical studies. many students have enthusiastically does original research and have published in UGC and Scopus® journals. Saveetha school of Law has the maximum publications among all law schools in the country.
Each Student of Saveetha School of law will graduate with at-least 5-6 publications done in the course. This will be an amazing achievement both for the students and the future firms they would work in. We have a stringent research board called the SRB (Scientific Review Board). All papers are meticulously vetted for plagiarism, originality of content and conformity to our publication protocol and ethics. We are the only law school to provide SPSS workshops as part of the curriculum without any additional cost. This ensures we balance both quality and quantity in our research work.
9. Practical Evaluation
We are the only college in India to have a oral exam for all our subjects as an integral part of summative evaluation. This exercise improves student confidence, logical articulation, language and vocabulary. In fact the examiners who came to conduct the viva voce, were extremely impressed by the knowledge, culture, decorum and attitude of our students. We are sure these gems will outshine all competition when they graduate and practice law.
10. Accredited Special Workshops
We offer many special courses with upto 60 contact hours from reputed institutions like IIT Kharagpur. These courses also can be added to elective credits and aid in students achieving graduation goals as soon as possible. The special workshops usually are conducted for a duration of 1-2 weeks in a year. Students have the option to voluntarily participate in these courses during their leisure time. It is the robust nature of our unique study flex system that allows us to accommodate such amazing innovation in legal education.
11. Co-curricular Credits
Inspiration and motivation are binary vortices that determine the student engagement and participation in various academic activities. At Saveetha School of Law we believe in holistic development and to foster such behaviour, we provide additional credits for co-curricular achievements. Students who publish their research, win prizes in intra and inter college competitions, those who publish in news paprs, participate and win accolades in social outreach activities are given additional credits in their evaluation. this is to create a participatory and cooperative culture among all students who are to become the torch bearers of out future society.
Just as the characters in the famous Harry potter series work hard and compete to win the Quidditch trophy, our students and faculty work day and night to compete for the MEGAmoot competition. This grand gala inspires students of all ages to explore their mooting skills. The event begins with over 42 mooting teams that includes over 200 mooters. They compete over several nail biting rounds until one team emerges as an absolute winner. With a competition this big with over 25% of the students participating, the Mega MOOT fever runs high during our moot season.
13. SLS - Special Lecture Series
Saveetha School of law conducts over 400 special lecture every years. that is more than 1 special lecture everyday. Our faculty and students employ incredible efforts to bring in experts from various fields to create a nurturing learning environments that is inspiring and interesting for our graduates. As a part of each course, special lectures are conducted to give a glimpse on the practical aspects of the subject. Guest may vary from professors of other institutions to eminent officers of the law, retired judges and many more professional and scoial workers who are creating a strong impact in our society.
14. MBT - Module Based Teaching
Some essential skills are required for students to pursue education immediately after joining a law schools. These core skills include legal maxims, research methodology etc. Instead of conducing these subjects over a long term, we conduct workshop style intensive modules. This way the required contact hours will be achieved and the students will be primed to take many basic subjects in the CBCS framework. Such programs also help the students graduate in a faster pace.
15. SWAGAT - Student Welfare and Gender Awareness Training Program
We conduct this program within the first few days of joining the law school. The freshers and formally introduced to the seniors and split into multi-age groups that compete over various games. This essentially inculcates bonding and also acts as an ice breakers where there is no need for seniors and juniors to be intimidated by each other. by taking oath to protect each other, they student atmosphere and culture of the institution is maintained and the school to college transition process is ironed out without the need for unpleasant ragging etc. We couple the program with lectures from psycologists about gender sensitivity, respecting women etc.
16. ARMS
Our innovative ARMS (Academic Record Management System) Portal handles everything from attendance, assignments, notifications, fee payment, hall ticket printing, result publication, revaluation applications, On Duty Approvals, course selection, course completion, mark sheet management, disciplinary record tracking, parent portal, sms integration, parent communications etc. This is arguably one of the most sophisticated LMS in the planet!. The robust nature of the system allows for uniform and transparent administration that is unheard of anywhere else.
17. DARPA - Discipline, Academic, Research Progress Analysis board
Good discipline creates a great and safe atmosphere. Hence we have a digital management system to constantly receive anonymous feedback and take appropriate steps to curb any issues before they develop. Furthermore, the Associate dean of student affairs office maintains continuous counselling and behaviour modification, character building sessions to improve students conduct and culture within the institution. You will be hard pressed to identify another law school with a more safe and disciplined environment. We also have student watch team that constantly maintain proper decorum among peers. Parents can login to their portal to recieve monthly analysis from this board.
18. Ala-Carte MESS
Our SMART canteen system givens options to hostel students to pick and choose their food for the day. This flexibility and ability to manage their funds has been a boon for our students. IN many places students end up paying in advance irrespective of their consumption. Those system will not create a necessity among the cooks to please the needs of the students. In fact in many traditional messes their profit increases if the students eat less. But this system demands quality from the chef. Ever since this system was implemented in 2012, the number of mess related problems have practically vanished.
19. Bar Council Exam Training and Placement Training Program
As a virtue of the system, since many students will finish their curricular requirements early on, we will offer fresh courses to prepare for civil service exams, Bar council exams etc. All these courses will allow our students to easily out perform others. Furthermore, we have objective questions in all aspects of the courses to enhance Bar council exam training.
20. Centres of Excellence and Policy Formulation
Our college runs multiple centres of excellence with a laser sharp focus on specific missions to enhance social out reach. Our Child development centre is dedicated to outreach and uplifting the livelihood of orphans in and around Chennai. Our eco development centre has participated in numerous green initiatives like tree plantation in chennai etc. Together these centres create social responsibility and inclucate self discipline among our students.
21. Special Lateral Electives
Our system also permits us to introduce special lateral elective courses like Music, Dance, Culinary Cart, Baking, Painting, Sculpting, Casting etc. Students can pick and choose any one of the numerous elective programs that align with their talent and passion. Afterall education is all about inspiring others to learn.
23. Rapid Course Progression - Time Saving
Our Study Flex system allows a students to complete 55 papers in 3.5 years. Hence students have upto 1.5 years to pursue clinical internships, passionate elective courses, prepare for civil service exams or work intheir parents practice until they graduate. Such an amazing opportunity is simply not offered anywhere in the country. Imagine the benefits you will get if you could add 1.5 years of clinical traiing to your fresh resume. Image the number of contacts they can actively develop. Overall our students will save so much time that they can afford to do upto 4 minor specialisations without any extension in the duration of the course. This additional time also helps students redo courses to clear their academic record of any unfortunate performance dips that could happen due to unforseen circunstances.
24. Extended Internships
Traditionally when law schools prescribe internships it is limited to law firms, NGO's, assisting in Judge chambers etc. However we expand our internship programs to include training programs in other national and international law schools of significant repute. This way students can complete few credit courses and also complete their internship there. By virtue of the system, students have over 1.5 years of time to do internships. Hence they can do for multiple 5 weeks sessions interposed with didactic sessions to report and consolidate their knowledge and learning experience. This way they can show consistent participation in law firms that allow our students complete their learning experience with out abruptly intervening their schedule.
25. Exclusive medical legal aid postings
Since Saveetha Group of Institutions have their roots in healthcare, it is integral to our collective mission to specialise our law graduates with additional training in medial jurisprudence. Students from Saveetha School of Law are posted in Saveetha Dental and Medical hospitals routinely to interact with patients and provide legal counselling regarding their medial, personal and other issues. Special training to manage domestic violence is also provided as a part of this program. Students of Law will also participate int he SWYAM initittive where an interdisciplinary team of students are alloted a family inthe local community. This team collectively manages the need of the family (medical, financial, technical and legal advice).
26. Small Group Learning
Personalised attention is a hallmark of quality education. There is no point in implementing amazing innovation if we do not have the faculty to execute it. Our extra ordinary faculty team that includes senior Registrars, Professors, Faculty from Extra ordinary institutions like JNU, CUSAT, TISS, Queen Mary University England etc, take care of our students with an extra ordinary students faculty ration of 1:15. What more? Not a single class room is designed with more than 30 students. In a day and age where commercial establishment pack 200 students in a classroom, our commitment to quality in recruiting numerous faculty to enhance the learning experience must be appriciated.
Internship Programme
Internship on one to one basis in Madras High Court
Internship at National Law Institute India University.
Internship is a mandatory requirement and an integral part. As a partial fulfillment of B.A & B.B.A., L.L.B., (Hon’s.) degree, the internship calls for continuous monitoring and assessment.
Duration of Internship: 20 weeks(4 Weeks in each Academic Year)in the Five Year.Each student has an allowed faculty guide to enhance their legal assessment. They summit a report after completing the internship which will be assessed and evaluated by internship committee and are credited accordingly.
It includes legal studies under various offices where where law is practiced either in action or in dispute resolution or in management.
Trial and Appellate Advocates
Legal Regulatory authorities
Legislatures and Parliament
Market Institutions Companies
Law Firms
Local Self Government