Webinar on Hindu Code Bill and its Impact on Indian Society
Webinar on Hindu Code Bill and its Impact on Indian Society
The resource person for the webinar was Mr. V. Ganesh Babu . He dealt with “ Hindu Code Bill and its Impact on Indian Society” and shared details about the
Social Background of India
Exploitation in India
Bills passed by Dr. Ambedkar and Former Minister Jawaharlal Nehru the code dealt with Succession, Maintenance, Marriage and Divorce, Minority and Guardianship and Adoption.
Lastly the lecturer had an interactive session with the students. Where students posted different questions for the last 10mins of the webinar.
Overall the webinar was satisfactory and informative and effective. We also learned many new Concepts and cases.
The coordinator of the webinar where Dr.Asha sundaram Principal SSL and student B.Swathi.