Community outreach program

The objective of this program is to extend the legal aspects to the weavers as well as to the students. The legal aspect covered here is about geographical indications which is granted to Kanchipuram silk since 2005. It was a truly new experience for students to become aware of the importance of GI and how it is resulting in rural development. They have witnessed how small scale industrial units are set up and offered employment opportunities to the people in villages. Also how the traditional weaving method is still used as well as protected. The students also interacted with the weavers and tried to understand how they use their skills as well as their earnings from it. The GI protection for Kanchipuram silk not only helps to ensure the high quality and authentic products that are produced in the traditional manner in Kanchipuram, but also helps to promote economic development of the region by protecting local artisans and weavers who produce silk sarees. They also became aware of how GI contribute for the international trade. Their is a chain of trade connecting from Bangalore, Surat, Tamilnadu and various part of India to the international markets across the globe. As their is a huge cry for South Indian sarees in the international markets across the globe as Kanchipuram silk is known for its high quality and durability, it's distinctive design that features motifs inspired by temple architecture, nature and mythology. They also showed how zari (gold and silver thread) to create intricate designs on the fabric. We also saw the entire weaving process involving multiple steps including dyeing, sizing and interlacing the silk and zari threads to create the desired patterns
