At the outset, the Goal of communication explained to students through the concept of Physical Zone and Emotional Zone.   Students were given practical knowledge through Role play. Social Zone, Public Zone, Private Zone and Intimate zone was explained. The aim of all dynamic communication is to Penetrate into the Emotional zone of the other people.  Students were asked questions as to how many were there in the intimate zone inside the class room. It was found out that no one was in the others intimate zone and they have not tried to penetrate. They were given ideas to penetrate into the Emotional zone of the other people.


  1. Call everyone by Name. (Role play conducted)

  2. Appreciate

  3. Try to gather as much information as possible

  4. Try to connect with the other through collected information.


Communication modal was explained. Communication is not the communicator communicates but what the other person perceives. Oral, Written and non-Verbal communication was explained.  Personal examples were given about each communication from my experience as Arbitration Assistant in Government cases. 


The importance of Oral communication and improving the same was trained at length.  Chinese whisper was conducted and the students understood the need to listen carefully. How information will get spoiled if there is no face to face interaction was demonstrated.


The difference types of Listening were explained. Active Listening, Passive listening and selective listening.  Big fish and small fish exercise conducted to show the importance of the Listening.  Many examples were given to make them understand the difference and the need of Active Listening.


The basics of oral communication was explained through the acronym KISS (Keep it so simple). Examples were given aplenty.    Copy and paste game was conducted and it was demonstrated that the communication is taken by difference people in different method eve though the communication is same for all.


Probing is essential part in a Lawyer’s life.  Students were trained on Probing by giving them theory as well as Practical through an activity which is available in full in Facebook.

Then we started Written communication.   The need to develop written English and the importance of the same in the legal field was explained. Grammar Quiz was conducted and it was found that everyone is Average in Grammar.  Students need to be trained on Grammar from basics. Since time limit was less, only importance was discussed and students were asked to strengthen their written English. To reinforce the importance, SHIP exercise was conducted and it was demonstrated how meaning will change even if a single letter is changed (Ship/hip).


A thorough journey on Email etiquette was done.  The proper subject line, difference between To, CC and BCC, Reply, reply all and Forward etc was dealt at length with examples. Body of the letter, Dos and Don'ts were trained at length.

(Flaming not allowed in Email, not to use Emoticons and smileys, Not to use Wasp English, Not to use unaccepted abbreviations etc). A modal was given to students and they were asked to send Email to me with CC to the Madam. It was told that the email will be corrected and sent to them back.  But no email received.


Body language was covered with inputs from students.  Body language which can influence others were trained like leaning little bit forward to show interest.


Students wanted tips on how to avoid stage fear. The same was cleared to them.

But they need a full day workshop on the same.


241 audio and PDF files were shared to Ma’am for sharing the same to the students to improve their listening skills and communication skills.


The workshop ended at 3pm.


Suggestion from Trainer: -


  1. Exclusive Grammar class with basic written English Practice may be organized. Students talk fluently but they have forgotten the basics. They were not able to reply how many tense in English etc.

  2. Transactional Analysis and NLP may be trained for senior students to understand the clients better.

  3. Principal ma’am asked to organize a training for faculties on TA and NLP. The same can be planned.