Cinema of Justice

Cinema of Justice

The resource person Mr. M.P.Madhura Bharathi,B.E, LL.B, Advocate and Cinephile,started the session by explaining the correlation between Cinema, Law and Justice. He explained the sayings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, the former associate Justice of Supreme Court of the United States of America on Law and Ingmar Bergman, the Swedish Auteur’s view on Cinema. He brilliantly weaved together the relation between Law and Cinema.He continued the lecture by talking about the famous director, “Sidney Lumet” and his movie’s relation to Justice, explaining “12 Angry Men '', A film about a jury deciding the fate of a young boy who is accused of killing his father.. The resource  person explained about the genre of “Courtroom Dramas”, Courtroom Drama and Women empowerment. At the end of his speech, he elaborately explained the role of cinema in bringing about social change . Then the question session started, Mr. M.P.Madhura Bharathi patiently answered the questions put forth by the participants and the student coordinator. 

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