Special Lecture on the topic ‘A case study analysis on life and personal liberty under Art. 21'

A special lecture on the topic ‘A case study analysis on life and personal liberty under Art. 21' was delivered by resource person Dr. Haritha Devi , Asst. Professor at School of Excellence of Law (Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University) on 19th March 2022. The resource person started her lecture detailing the initial interpretation of life right from the SC judgements of Kharak Singh and Maneka Gandhi. She then went on to speak about the concept of ‘Personal Liberty’ and ‘procedure established by law’ with the help of A.K Gopalan’s and Bandhua Mukthi Morcha’s case. She further explained how human life differs from mere animal existence and how important the idea of living with dignity is for humans. To substantiate it she also quoted Justice Bhagavathi and explained the interconnection between fundamental rights under Art. 21 and DPSP provisions, especially Art. 39 (e) and (f). She additionally emphasised the concept of livelihood under right to life and correlated it with the right to work, free from harassment as part of the right to livelihood and how SC has been a torchbearer to protect women against sexual harassment at workplace even in the absence of a law. The resource person gave an interactive lecture and clarified the students' doubts with the help of contemporary examples. The lecture ended with a question and answer session and collecting of feedback from the students.
