Assignment based Workshop on Technological Termite
The event of "Assignment based Workshop on Technological Termite was a workshop that was based on the cyber Crimes, cyber offences and digital evidence. The speakers of the event were Adv. Mrs. Swathi Lakshmi and Adv. Mr. Meyyappan Kumaran practicing advocates in the High Court of Madras. This event was organized by Prof. Dr. Asha Sundaram - The principal and Mrs. Vidyasrri.S.P - The head of the business law department and coordinated by the Student coordinator S. Ragava Prasath.
The webinar started with a welcome speech by student coordinator S. Ragava Prasath, and he introduced the guest speakers one by one, first was Adv. Mrs. Swathi Lakshmi who spoke about the Cyber Offences under IT Act, 2000. She spoke about various aspects of the offences which involves: Tampering with the computer source documents. Hacking with a computer system. Publishing of information which is obscene in electronic form. Power of Controller to give directions Directions of Controller to a subscriber to extend facilities to decrypt information Protected system Penalty for misrepresentation Penalty for breach of confidentiality and privacy Penalty for publishing Digital Signature Certificate false in certain particulars Publication for fraudulent purpose Act to apply for offence or contravention committed outside India Confiscation Penalties or confiscation not to interfere with other punishments. Power to investigate offences. She also mentioned about certain case laws regarding the cyber offences which includes: Syed Asifuddin And Ors. vs The State Of Andhra Pradesh And ... on 29 July, 2005 In this case the Tata Indicom employees were arrested for manipulation of the electronic 32- bit number (ESN) programmed into cell phones and theft were exclusively franchised to Reliance Infocom. The Court held that Tampering with source code invokes Section 65 of the Information Technology Act. R v. Whiteley In this case, the accused gained unauthorized access to the Joint Academic Network (JANET) and deleted, added files and changed the passwords to deny access to the authorized users. The perspective of the section does not merely protect the information but to protect the integrity and security of computer resources from attacks by unauthorized persons seeking to enter such resources, whatever may be the intention or motive.