Maritime Law

The webinar started at 10.00AM on 9th June of 2020. The student organizer welcomed the special guest and the participants. The guest started his lecture from the important codes and convention of IMO(international maritime organisation). He lectured about the safety of life at sea, the causes of marine pollution and how they could be reduced and prevented in various situations, specifically about the pollutants which are caused by oil, noxious liquid, harmful substance in packed form, sewage, garbage and air(MARPOL ANNEXES). Moreover he explained about the special areas, special emission controlled areas and the important certificate to be carried onboard ships. By the end he answered the students doubt about the International Maritime Organisation . By 11.10 AM the webinar ended.

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Plight of Migrant Labourers amidst COVID Pandemic - Legal issues and challenges

Mr. Sachin Menon, Asst. Professor in Co-operative School of Law, Kerala, was the guest lecturer for this webinar. The webinar was attended by almost 47 people. The session was started off by a welcome address by Mahima Makhija, followed by which Sachin Sir expressed his gratitude towards our College for giving him this opportunity. He started off his lecture by addressing the difficulties faced by the migrant labourers. He stated that “this pandemic is a human tragedy of the greatest extent”. He also categorised the migrants into different levels and called them to be a part of the vulnerable group of our society. Further, he spoke about the steps taken by the Apex Court for the migrant labourers, such as the Shramik trains facility throughout the whole of India as an attempt to relocate these migrants from their workplace to their hometown. He then spoke about the failure of the measures taken by the State Government of Delhi in relocating these labourers as he said that this failure should be treated as a legal issue. He further stressed upon the need of having a proper mechanism for such migrants and that the government is required to be accountable and transparent. He also said that the Indian Constitution is the Supreme Law of our country and there is no law beyond that. He then concluded his talk with a positive note by stating the order that was passed today in relation to the relocation of the migrant labourers in our country. The participants then enthusiastically asked questions and Mr. Sachin appreciated one question that is, with regard to the possibility of enforcing a task force for these migrant labourers. Overall, the session was very informative and interactive.

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Interpersonal skill to a legal personality in International Business by Mrs.Ramya Anandan

The webinar started at 10 Am on 8th June of 2020. The student organizer welcomed the special guest and the participants. The guest started her lecture from the Interpersonal skill definition and its kinds. Then she moved on to the concept of Verbal Communication, Non verbal Communication and Relationship Management. In verbal communication she explained what to say, construction of words and importance of power of small talk. In non verbal communication she explained about body language and how to make strong connections. In relationship management she stated the importance of knowledge building. She Also explained about the need for lawyers in a Business, in which she explained about the understanding of Business, legal advice and need of fluency in expression and language with a PPT presentation. By the end few students raised questions during the time given for asking questions to the resource person, she has cleared all the doubts to the students 11.10AM the webinar ended.

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  • Resource person started the seminar by thanking the Institution for this opportunity.

  • The resource person started by mentioning about the "Declaration by the UN" un 1990's on International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR).

  • Mentioned about entry 23 of the Union list regarding enactment of NDM Act.

  • Mentioned about the object of the Act and also important definitions.

  • Explained about the powers and functions of the National, State, District and local authorities.

  • She explained each authorities function by comparing it with the real time (i.e., COVID-19, Chennai Flood and other Disasters in India)

  • Finally she spoke about the criticism and drawbacks in implementation of the Act.

The participants raised certain questions regarding the present COVID situations and it's failure and also about the other drawbacks in the Act.

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The resource person Advocate. R.Pandian in his brief session introduced the concept of Migrant Workmen from the colonial history, the formulation of the Contract Labour Act till the formation of the Migrant Workmen Act. The session focused its importance to the plight of migrant workmen during this COVID19 Lockdown and probable solutions to the same. It was a jam packed session which served as a capsule to understand the current concept. The participants were provided with the opportunity to put forth questions to the resource person. The resource person was patient enough to solve the doubts raised and encouraged inquisition. The organiser conclusively gave a closing note thanking the resource person for donating his time and the management & Principal for providing with this opportunity. It was an enlightening session on a much needed area of law.

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An Corporate Social Responsibility In An Era Of COVID-19

In the webinar, speaker taught us the definition of the CSR and the role played by them in the protection of the environment and the various schemes implemented by them for the benefit of the Schedule caste ,the schedule tribe or the backward class people by providing education , facilities which they are lacking in their areas or the development of the rural area. The corporate social responsibility sometimes goes beyond the efforts taken by the regulators of it. Many examples were given by the speaker to make the participants understand the importance of the CSR and also when the companies are eligible for claiming the corporate social responsibility from the government was explained. Under the section of the companies act 2013 the corporate social responsibility is being explained and the exceptions.

  • Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation  contributing to the Swachh Bharat Kosh set-up by the Central Government for the promotion of sanitation and making available safe drinking water.

  • Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocational skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.

  • Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.

This was the period where the Covid-19 came into play

  • 23.03.2020 : Funds may be spent for various activities related to COVID-19 under item no. (i) to (xii) of Schedule VII relating to promoting health care, including preventive health care and sanitation and disaster management (including State Disaster management Fund).

  • 28.03.2020: Contribution to PM cares fund shall qualify as CSR expenditure under item (viii) of schedule VII

Salary of Employees during lock-down and payment to casual / contractual workers NOT CSR. Any ex-gratia payment is made to temporary / casual workers / daily wage workers over and above the disbursement of wages, specifically for the purpose of fighting COVID-19 , the same shall be admissible towards CSR expenditure as a one time exception provided there is an explicit declaration to that effect by the Board of the Company, which is duly certified by the Statutory Auditor.

And then few examples about the MNCs and the Indian based company the strategy they are using to make awareness about the social distancing .

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Guest : Deeraj Thiyagu talked about how to read the facts thoroughly and  frame the issues according to the question of law and question of fact and how to apply the mind and to look upon citations as well prepare the arguments 

The Five rules are

  • To have a good team.

  • Court manners

  • To know the basics

  • To understand the question of law

  • Be thorough with the facts of the case.

He also told us about how to prepare the memorial:

  • Always go by the rule given by the institution.

  • Follow the IRAC rule - Issues, Rule of law, Analysis/Arguments and Conclusion.

  • Do not copy paste from the website.

  • Always be precise.

  • Do not insert lots of cases.

He asked to avoid these Common mistakes:

  • Compromising your team.

  • Entire team must prepare. All should put in equal amount of work.

  • Ignorance of law.

  • Not being thorough with the facts.

  • Not having court manners.

Always refer several case laws, books, websites as well journals. As Mooting is an important part of a lawyer's education, should participate and gain experience.

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A Webinar was delivered by Mr.S.Siva shanmugam. He is an advocate in the madras high court and he has more than 25yrs of experience in the field of practise.

The Webinar was on Principles and Practises of Drafting. Mr.S.Siva Shanmugam started the session by explaining what is drafting. Then he went on to explain what is the importance and objects of drafting and why it is necessary to draft the plaint and the written statement in a simple language. Then pleadings was explained by him. There are three pleadings - plaint, written statement, affidavit. Plaint is specified in ORDER VII RULE 1. Then written statement was explained by him which is filed by the defendant in reply to the plaint given by the plaintiff. Then he also dealt with what is affidavit. Then he explained what are the contents of an affidavit. He mainly explained counter affidavit and re-joinder affidavit. In an affidavit only the facts must be mentioned and not the inferences. Then speaker clearly specified what is a pleading and what are the contents of pleadings. He also dealt with facta probanda and facta probantia. At the end he summed up the whole topic by explaining the important terms.

The webinar was co-ordinated by Mrs. Asha Sundaram(Principal)(faculty co-ordinator) and Sri Jayashree.G, Vth Year, Reg No: 131502029, BBA.LLB(HONS)(Student Co-ordinator).

The number of participants in the webinar was 30.

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A webinar was delivered by Mr. A.R.NIXON. He is a senior advocate practicing in the High Court of Madras and have experience of more than 30 years.

The topic was Filing of Representative Suit. The

speaker started the session by explaining the meaning of representative suit. The reasons for filing the representative file was discussed. Using illustrations the speaker addressed the difference between the normal legal notice and notice served incase pf representative suit. The speaker explained it with the help of some case laws along with the citations. The representative suit should be filed where many people are included as parties to the suit. He spoke about the percentage of court fees. The main core factor throughout the discussion was about filing the representative suit and how a notice should be served. In case of representative suit, the court orders to publish where the publication circulates throughout the state or throughout the world because the party may be residing out of state of out of india. The speaker dealt with the procedure for filing and withdrawing the representative suit and addressed the main reason for the losing a case in representative suit is because of not following the proper procedure.

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The Resource Person Mr.Sathish Kumar, Senior Executive in Tata Consultancy Services was the speaker of the webinar session conducted on 08/06/2020. The session started by 2.00 Pm onwards.

The topic was about Directors in Company Law. The Speaker started the session by stating the meaning of directors and company. And briefed the topic by presenting PPT which was shared to the audience. The Speaker further explained about the types of directors, Difference between Executive and non executive Directors, Managing Directors, Independent Directors. The speaker also stated about the Conditioning for Appointment Of Directors, duties of directors, Removal Of Directors by Shareholders under Section 284 Of Companies Act 1956 and Removal Of Directors by Central Government dealt under Section 388 B to 388E Of Companies Act 1956, As per Sec. 402 Removal of Directors by National Company Law Tribunal, Meeting and reasons for calling a board meeting. The Speaker Concluded the session stating the importance of Directors in Company Law.

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With a Number of 15 Student participant Miss MJF LN Sri Durga Priya Presented welcome address of the presenter”DR.LOPITA PAL..Researcher on Academy of Sciences in Czech Republic.Completed her Phd on Disaster Management From University of Madras.Masters Degree on Geography from University of Madras.Bachelors Degree on Geography from University of Madras

Session Headed by DR.LOPITA PAL for the students with abouy Environment law and responsibilities of it. She also added about management of Environment law and agencies concerning act protecting law both in national and international level.

Question and discussion session went on for Students Clarifications and doubts.

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Introduction by Dr.G.Krishnamurthy and he was dealing about the topic A Judicial activism for last 70 years and the framers of the constitution they framed the constitutional law very precisely though we claimed that there are 3 pillars of the democracy




But constitution did not say that this 3 pillars must function independently and there is no prohibition for executive to interfere with legislation and the legislation to interfere with executive but article 50 says that judiciary must be separated from all executive of states services.The extraordinary power of judiciary governing whole of India by time to time by advisory by and other writ jurisdictions powers because the court as power to command anybody by the framework of article 12. That we are looked that amended that right from certain cases Sajjan singh,Shankari Prasad upto 1967 golaknath case deleivered.This is the way law includes amendments.

Introduction by Dr.G.Krishnamurthy and he was dealing about the topic A Judicial activism for last 70 years and the framers of the constitution they framed the constitutional law very precisely though we claimed that there are 3 pillars of the democracy




But constitution did not say that this 3 pillars must function independently and there is no prohibition for executive to interfere with legislation and the legislation to interfere with executive but article 50 says that judiciary must be separated from all executive of states services.The extraordinary power of judiciary governing whole of India by time to time by advisory by and other writ jurisdictions powers because the court as power to command anybody by the framework of article 12. That we are looked that amended that right from certain cases Sajjan singh,Shankari Prasad upto 1967 golaknath case deleivered.This is the way law includes amendments.

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"Overview on IBC"

Mr. SARAVANAN was the resource person of this webinar. He provided a timeline of events which resulted in enacting the consolidated law for insolvency and bankruptcy throughout the country. He explained in detail about the features and functions of the code. Also he gave a glimpse of previous existing law for insolvency and bankruptcy. He stated the salient features of the code and gave a detailed account on authorities established by this code. At the end, he explained the CIRP process of liquidating a company.

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Future threat to financial emergency in India After Covid 19

The webinar started at 12 pm on 8th June of 2020. The student organizer welcomed the special guest and the participants. The guest started his lecture from the Emergency Provisions in the Constitution of India

Art 352-360 Part 18

The Constitution of India provides Emergency Provisions. Three kinds of Emergencies have been mentioned in the Constitution. Then he moved on National emergency of Article 352

44th Amendment - power of the Executive to continue the emergency indefinitely has been curtailed. A proclamation of emergency may remain in force for 1 month in the first instance.

State Emergency

Article 356 of the Constitution of India is based on Section 93 of the Government of India Act, 1935.

According to Article 356, President’s Rule can be imposed on any state of India on the grounds of the failure of the constitutional machinery.

The 44th Amendment to the Constitution (1978) brought in some constraints on the imposition of the President’s Rule beyond a period of one year.


  • A Proclamation of State Emergency can be revoked by a subsequent Proclamation.

Financial Emergency

According to Article 360 if the President is satisfied that there is a situation where the financial stability of India or any part of the territory is threatened; a Proclamation of Financial Emergency may be issued.

Financial Emergency (FM) has never been imposed in our country even when the worst financial crises hit our country in 1991.

The economy was in turmoil. Back then India was not on good terms with the western world and depended on the Soviet Union for its exports.

But when the Soviet Union fragmented into 15 nations, those exports went significantly down. The US-Iraq war let to an exponential increase in oil prices.

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Changing face of law in times of evolving technology with specific reference to Artificial Intelligence

Mr. Girissh Sundaram the resource person of the webinar, provided an insight on what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and explained about how far it is feasible to introduce AI in the field of law and the advantages of having such AI over human Intelligence. He had also provided several examples prevailing elsewhere in the world with regard to AI. The resource person also had raised several concerns about the capital expenditure for the purpose of introducing such software in the developing economy like India. He also gave insight on the input data and the output result when AI technology is to be incorporated in the legal field. He also addressed the concern of risk management regarding the data theft and other correlated cyber crimes. The resource person has concluded by raising the issue of reliability of the input data which is to be fed in and the risks that would be faced by the legal practitioners.

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"Judicial Intervention for effective implementation of recent government reforms"

Mr. NIRMAL ADITHYA the resource person of the webinar, provided us with a various current issues and G.O.s passed and how judiciary intervened ,he also explained its use, how far it is effective and how various class of people get affected. Details of G.O and PIL filed for the same was also stated. Also he explained the tussle between judiciary and legislature on how each other override their jurisdiction to uphold their rules and guidelines. He explained various case laws in detail to understand the judiciary intervention in government reform and laid emphasis on standard retail pvt ltd v. M/S G.S. Global corporation & ors. He briefly explained the topics like moratorium period, FME(failure mode effect), termination of employees and reduction of wages. At last, the students asked the questions relating to moratorium period and its applicability. He also adviced the students to be updated with current affairs and law. At last he ended with the quote said by Bruce Lee that kungfoo is an art, u can learn it only when u have interest on it same way we have to love our profession in order to withstand it and succeed in it

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Perjury and Indian laws

Advocate Arunagiri has spoken on the perjury and Indian laws in detail. In simple terms he refers to perjury as a false statement by witness or any incitement by advocate to make false statement by the witness, both advocate and witness are punishable under Section 193 of Indian penal code. Perjury means a witness giving a false statement in any stage of a judicial proceeding or fabricates false evidence for the purpose of being used in any stage of a judicial proceeding after taking the oath in the court of law. A witness who claimed he did not remember an event when questioned at one point in testimony, but who clearly recalled aspects of the event when asked later. This amounts to perjury based on the circumstance only. Any document produced to public officers written by the accused and later testifies a contradictory statement in court, it amounts to perjury.I conclude by saying that Amendment should be introduced in law so that the judge administering the oath should caution that he is bound to state truth on oath and if he does not state truth, he shall be prosecuted for giving false evidence so as to save the judicial system from being Deaf and blind.

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WEBINAR- ‘ Forensic Science in Criminal Trials’

The Webinar on ‘ Forensic Science in Criminal Trials ‘ was organized by International Law Department, Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS,Chennai. Adv. Sasthamangalam Ajithkumar, CBI Standing Counsel, High Court of Kerala ,narrated about the relevance and importance of forensic evidences in proving unnatural and suspicious cases while other evidence become vague and irrelevant. He further explained about the relevance of criminal profiling, Autopsy/Post mortem Reports, forensic pathology, forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology and its use in criminal trials in reaching to a proper and final conclusion regarding the nature, cause and manner of crimes. Criminal profiling includes indepth analysis of the crime scene, analyzing the incidence and drawing comparisons with similar events and evaluation of victim’s past. He shared his experiences as a Defence / Prosecution Lawyer and explained how he dealt with forensic evidences in disproving and proving cases. The session was very informative and interesting.

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Reclamation of PoK - Alliances, Road Ahead & Strategies.

Mr. Srinivas Jayaprakash provided a wonderful lecture on the topic Reclamation of PoK- Alliances, Road Ahead & Strategies. He began by addressing the problem of secularism in Kashmir and how it has changed over the years. Various opportunities that came our way that could have paved the way for India in becoming one of the most powerful nations in the world was dealt in detail and the reasons as to why we missed were also clearly explained.

The resource person precisely stated the need for well established strategies that would have long term effects for about 50-60 years rather than those that were prepared in the past with no foresight, which he states might be one of the reasons for us to be in the current position.

He rightly pointed out the history and economic reasons behind the reclamation of PoK and the aftermath of the merger. He also explained how India geographically located on a higher altitude gets the advantage of power over jurisdiction. The concept of military alliances were also briefed. International affairs between Pakistan, India and China were explained. The timeline of how Bangladesh would emerge as a powerful nation was also touched upon in the session.

On the whole it was a very insightful webinar and was attended by around 30 students from Saveetha School of Law.

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Prof. Dr. RANJIT OOMMEN ABRAHAM, Assistant Professor & Faculty Coordinator - MCA,, School of Excellence in Law, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law Universtiy, "Perungudi Campus".

The webinar on 'Challenges in cyber security and law in the present scenario...' organised by Department of Business Law, Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS, Chennai. This webinar majorly focuses on Cyber Law in India, Need & Importance ,Need and importance of Cyber Law – Past, Present and future, Cyber Crime and Security– Meaning and Overview, Introduction of Cyber law, IT Act-2000, IT Act Amendment-2008, International developments , Cyber Law and Cyber security in Present Scenario, Need for the cyber laws Important aspects of cyber laws - Jurisdiction Issues Cyber Crimes, IPR Issues in Cyber Space, E Contracts, Digital Signature, E Banking, E taxation, E Governance, Categories of cyber crimes - Individual , Organization - a. Government, b. Firm, Company, Against the Individual Against Individuals Property , Cyber crime provisions under IT laws, IPC & other Specials Laws, IT amendments, Jurisdictional Issues, Recent treads, Privacy issues, investigations, Contractual Issues in Cyber space, Intellectual Properties issues in Cyber space, Infringements, Need for judicial transformations, Banking and financial Frauds, credit card skimmer, Phishing frauds, vishing, Sim Swap Frauds.

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