Surrogacy-Commercial and Legal Issues
Surrogacy-Commercial and Legal Issues
The speaker started her session on the overview of Surrogacy. The speaker covered all the basic aspects of Surrogacy types and kinds.Surrogacy in India is The world's second and India's first IVF (in vitro fertilization) baby, Kanupriya alias Durga was born in Kolkata on October 3, 1978. And in India it has been done in low cost. The lecture moved on to the Problems of Surrogate Mothers. These women have no right to make decisions regarding their own body and life. The worst part is that in case of unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, they are unlikely to be paid, and there is no provision of insurance or post-pregnancy medical and psychiatric support for them. The lecture explains some of the case laws related to Surrogacy (i) Baby Manji Yamada vs Union Of India, 2008 (ii) Baby Dev Case, 2012 (iii)Rama Pandey vs Union Of India, 2015. Legislations Related to Surrogacy