The speaker for the webinar  A.Susheela Maharaja, spoke on the topic stress management. Stress is a perceived threat to one’s mind,body,spirit or emotion. The webinar started with the meaning of stress which means a feeling of emotional and physical tension. It’s a response for the challenges we face in our life which gives biological responses in the form of physical and mental stress. The psychological feeling of stress leads to our ability of thinking becoming narrow, reduced enjoyment in our life, loss of our thoughts and we are not able to have proper functioning of our mind. Symptoms for the stress are we face emotional feelings like anger, restlessness, worry are symptoms for emotional stress. This session discusses how to overcome or manage stress, why a person should manage stress and how to fight against the response of the stress.  When a student has a balanced life , time and career in  life-family then he/she is free from the stress. Balancing life helps the person free from stress. There are many ways to control stress, some are meditation, mindfulness,yoga . But controlling the stress is dependent on the individual interest. What will help them to reduce their stress level and it’s their choice to use their own technique to manage stress. Atlast she concluded by saying stress is a part of life where we have to accept it and we cannot run away from it. We have to accept it and enjoy the present.