Right to Information Act,2005 and new challenges.

Right to Information Act,2005 and new challenges.

Advocate Derifa Mam took wonderful class about the Act and she explained how to approach the authority to get the information and the payment of fees.As a lawyer she explained about her real experience when she approached the authority to get the information and she showed some government websites for filing application and how to access those websites. Derifa mam explained important case laws relating to Right to information Act and she also explained major objectives of the Act,how it related to our Constitutional provisions. In conclusion mam explained about the major lacune of the particular Act and recent amendments of the Act.She said now the power is concentrated in the hands of Central government ,it will infringe our fundamental right mentioned in Art.19.She explained all the aspects of relevant Act and how to use the Act for getting information.Class was very useful and informative. :