Saveetha School of Law

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Prison Visit

The department of Constitutional law organised a Prison visit Puzhal Central Prison on 19/05/2023. Two Faculty members Sree Lekha and Loga Priya coordinated the event. The visit aimed to upskill the students on the practical administration taking place in the prison, to know the authentic meaning of our own Reformative system used for the convicts, and to preserving and showcasing meaning of humanity. The prison accommodates various facilities including dormitories, lavatories with doors, meditation hall, library, amphitheatre, auditorium, jail court with the video-conferencing facility, mechanised kitchens, high-security blocks with exclusive kitchen and hospital, gym, canteen, public music system, rehabilitation. The prison is styled a correctional institution. Its main objective is to convert its inmates into ordinary members of society by providing them with useful skills, education, and respect for the law. It aims to improve the inmates’ self-esteem and strengthen their desire to improve. To engage, rehabilitate, and reform its inmates, Puzhal uses music therapy, which involves music training sessions and concerts. For the reformation of Prisoners, jail works in 3 ways: 1) Educational program (Padho Aur Padhao Scheme, NIOS centre; 2) Vocational program (80 different of courses); 3) Meditation program (Art Of Living, Yoga, etc.). Students were allowed to visit the confectionery, workshops which included musical centre, files and tag making workshop, weaving workshop etc. Thus the purpose of prison visit which is to show the importance of Reformation was procured