SSL Entrepreneurship Cell & Department of Management Studies organized a “National Workshop on Prototype/Product Design & Development” on 20th June, 2023. The workshop was coordinated by Mr. Gautham S., Dr. Sreeya B, & Ms. Aruna A R. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Jainkanth Chinnathambi, CEO & Founder, Infinite Engineers Pvt. Ltd. with his team members. Nearly 120 participants participated in the workshop. The resource person gave clarity on each and every aspect. He simplified the technical concepts in an understandable manner. Many myths about the lives were shared and discussed in the workshop, which has been an eye opener for the students. It helps to focus on the main objective of the business that a startup should concentrate. The students had various stigmas on many particular aspects but everything was carried on in an engaging way. The motive of the session was to find the unique personality of each student, the so-called purple cow. The students wouldn’t have known that finding their uniqueness can be done in an interesting manner as demonstrated by Mr. Jaikanth. The students tried hard to know about themselves and the purpose of their life. Finally, the students started to generate ideas and brainstormed on how to evolve it in the future. The factors which should be prioritized were discussed and given instructions to follow. The speaker took the participants through various stages, where they were made to critically analyze whether the problem that they choose to implement as a business idea was worth to be promoted in the market. This program helped the participants to critically think and analyze in this competitive business world and most importantly it was an eye opener to their personal and professional life.
