Medical Negligence
Medical Negligence
A special lecture was conducted on the subject matter which related to medical jusrisprudence based on the topic " medical negligence", delivered by Dr. Vijalakshmi associate professor in The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar law University. She has published 43 peer reviewed research papers in international journals. The lecture concerning number of queries in relation to medical negligence, and the standard of care that can expect to receive from a doctor is a professional standard which must accord with " responsible body of medical opinion". With landmark case law whitehouse vs joardan and Bolam's case. And also she inculcated the concept of negligence in medical profession in the light of interpretation of law by the supreme court of India. The session was very interactive and she concludes with the level of subjectivity in such decisions is quite high and the purpose of law to be certain and specific is defeated to a large extent.