Mr.CS. SRIVATHSA DESIKAN  is the  qualified company secretary and  a member of Institute of Company secretaries and  he is the  resource person  for the webinar on  Lifting of Corporate Veil.  

Lifting of Corporate veil means the situation where a shareholder is held liable for the company debts and the limited liability of shareholders. In the present situation, the growth of the business sector and the investment of shares in companies made  this webinar more interesting and knowledgeable . The speaker gave a comprehensive outline on company law and its provisions in detail .  He discussed the  recent amendments and the landmark  case laws relating to lifting of Corporate veil and had a discussion on the impact of COVID-19  on companies and the shareholders. Furthermore he  listed out the various methods used by  the companies and shareholders  in compacting  COVID -19 period  at the end of the session. . The session was interesting and useful.