Seminar on " YOGA

Saveetha School of Law organized two days awareness camp seminar on " YOGA "on May 13th and 14th 2022 . The resource persons were Master Maharajan, M.Sc Yoga & Naturopathy, Chief Yoga Master, Secretary, Andiappan Yoga and Master Aruna, M.Sc. Yoga & Naturopathy, M.Sc. Counselling Psychology, Chief Female Yoga Trainer, Andiappan Yoga.

The inaugural speech was given by the Master Maharajan who emphasized the importance of Yoga and physical exercises in daily life.The theme of yoga event was " Creating Yoga awareness among the students". Various asanas were followed by omkar chanting. Warm-up exercises, sitting and standing asanas were trained by yoga masters. The trainers gave us a short class about the benefits of yoga.

They help in improving concentration and in attaining inner peace. It helps a person improve life physically, mentally and spiritually as well.The students enthusiastically attended the two-days Yoga event.
