Basics of Civil Procedure Code & Jurisdiction of Civil Court.
Basics of Civil Procedure Code & Jurisdiction of Civil Court.
Mr.P.Muthukumar was the resource person of this webinar ,He came as our webinar guest today and he laid out the emphasis on the term Jurisdiction of civil courts and its nature prevailing in our courts.He spoke about how to file a file in High Court or District court and its procedures to be followed.He laid out the emphasis on original side and special original jurisdiction and how to price a case on Cpc code and it’s vital role played.He moved on with the aspect of Jurisdiction and to be aware of the Jurisdiction and so if the case was cited on wrong Jurisdiction,it will returned and the case will not the registered in the court of Law. He enlightened the webinar on an interesting aspects on ten kinds of Jurisdiction and he explained all its kinds in a very clear and informative matter by using illustrations and day to day examples,he also explained about the pecuniary Jurisdiction the value of the suits to be filed in the appropriate courts and also regarding the subject money related suits with examples.He laid out the emphasis on concurrent ,Exclusive ,General and special limited,legal and equitable it’s jurisdictions and it’s powers.
Since the session was very clear there were no questions raised by the students On whole the session was very informative and insightful on basics of Cpc and it’s Jurisdiction on civil courts and it was very beneficial for the students