Basic concepts of e-Insurance and types of Insurance- Life,Fire,Marine and Motor vehicles Insurance.

Basic concepts of e-Insurance and types of Insurance- Life,Fire,Marine and Motor vehicles Insurance.             

Mr.Meyyappan  Kumaran the resource person enlightened us  the topic "Basic concepts of Insurance and types of Insurance- Life,Fire,Marine and Motor vehicles insurance".He laid down the emphasis towards definition of Insurance in simple terms between the insurer and the insured persons followed by its kinds,with relevant seven principles and doctrines of contribution,subrogation ,Re-in statement so that it would be more enlightened to the students.He explained each and every principles of Insurance with relevant case laws, Harris V.S. Poland, Lucena vs crauford . Also he  explained all the Laws governing to Insurance in India in a brief manner and then moved on with the types of Insurance in which he dealt with the whole life Insurance and endowment Insurance its dividend participation, the fire Insurance ,sections and its basic compliance with reference case laws addressing the students then moved on to the marine Insurance and motor vehicles Insurance in brief with appropriate case laws , with relevant doctrines and its types which is beneficial to the students.

At the end of the session ,Students also raised certain questions relating to the discharge scheme on insurance and also relating to the suicide clause,its malafide intention  and the resource person answered to all the questions put forth by the student in an efficient manner ,on the whole it was very informative and Insightful session.