Banking awareness and digital marketing in India

Banking awareness and digital marketing in India 

Ms. Letha was the resource person of this webinar. She provided an introduction on History of banking in India and explained about the bank of Hindusthan, presidency bank and about Hilton young.  Also dealt with the RBIAct, 1934,and about it’s nationalization, official and non official members and  the directors, detailed explanation about the types of accounts, Indian stock exchange, and capital marketing . Also dealt with digital marketing and the possible cyber attacks  in that area.  Spoke about the Bombay stock exchange, National stock exchange, and about the security exchange board of India. Scope and development of digital marketing in India especially during this time of pandemic. She also dealt with the investments being made digitally through various platforms like cryptocurrencies etc. The changing facet of banking system and its comparison with the pre and post digital world and its advantages and the disadvantages. As a  conclution it was said  digital banking is a useful system when it is used with due care and awareness.

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