Importance of Moot Court Competition for Students

A Special Lecture on the Topic “Importance of Moot Court Competition For Students” was delivered by Ms.M.Athma Rubavathi,Assistant Professor,SRM School of Law. The Concept of mooting and Moot Court as an Oral proceeding similar to that of a court proceeding was discussed. The importance of practising moot in institutions and universities on a regular basis to make the students efficient in fighting an argument based on law was also analysed . How a proper court scenario for trial moot was also discussed.

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Parliament under Art.79 to 122 of The Constitution of India

The Lecture was delivered by Advocate Divya on the topic Parliament under Art.79 to 122 of The Constitution of India.She explained about qualification of members of Parliament and procedure of Parliament. She elaborated the power of speaker and explained the power of vice president in Council of States.She mentioned case laws related to disqualification of members (Jaya Bachchan's case).

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Indian divorce Act, spl marriage Act

The special lecture on the topic '' critically analyses on Indian Divorce Act & Special Marriage Act" was delivered by Ms. Priyadharshini, Guest lecturer in Sathiya Bhama university chennai. She discussed the concept of marriage under the perspective Hindu, Christian, Muslim Laws. She the also explained conditions of marriage and grounds of divorce under Indian law.

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An overview about the Indian contract Act, 1872

The special Lecture was delivered by Mr M AZARUDEEN , Legal Associates in Callidus Compliance solution Pvt Ltd, Chennai. The special lecture was on the topic "An overview about the Indian Contract Act, 1872”. He discussed the general concepts of contract and explained about the different types of contract, Privity of contract, drafting of contract, remedies under the Contract Act.

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Legal Personality

Special lecture was conducted on the topic “Legal persons". Mr.R.suresh, guest lecturer , government law college/ Advocate High Court of Madurai was invited to deliver the special lecture, who started the session with the general introduction on rights. The session aimed to provide a wide knowledge on rights and natural rights . He started the session by introducing who, a legal person is. Then he explained about persons, imaginary persons and capacity of the person for having a property with the help of Salmond vs Salmond case, some provision in Hindu succession act 1956, provision from Indian contract act 1872, criminal liability, provision of IPC and transfer of property act. Overall the session was interactive and the lecturer cleared the doubt of the students by pointing out provisions for better understanding . The lecture was an overall eye opener on person's in jurisprudence

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Labour provisions relating to protection of women

Sman Vedanath Assistant Professor, SRM School of Law, SRM University delivered a lecture on the topic "Labor Provisions relating to Protection of women. She explained various provision pertaining to the protection of women under Labour Law and she also spoke about the problems faced by women in Work Place and harassment at workplace. She also spoke about the various laws safeguarding their protection in working place especially in Factories Act and Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place, provision relating to woman in Maternity benefits Act.

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Mr. Jaibharath, Advocate, High court of Madras delivered a special lecture on criminology. He explained the basic concepts of crime with its characteristics and elements, nature and scopes of criminology where he explained the relationship between criminology, criminal science, penology and criminal law which created a more clarification on the concept on criminology among the students.

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Digital Signature

Special Lecture on the topic "Digital Signature and Electronic Signature" was delivered by. Mr. Ankit Anand. He explained the basic concepts of Information Technology law, it's scope, advantages and disadvantages. He also dealt with the UNCITRAL Model Law and its objectives. The speaker explained the concept of Digital Signature and Electronic signature, its differences, the provisions under IT Act, 2000, etc.

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Overview of Consumer Behaviour

Dr. D. Jaichitra, Assistant Professor, Asan Memorial Arts and Science College, delivered the guest lecture in consumer behaviour. She provided an overview of consumer behaviour and its role in marketing. The speaker also spoke about the external and internal influences on consumer behaviour and it was an interactive session.

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A Practical Study of Life Insurance Policies in India

Special Lecture on the topic "A Practical Study of Life Insurance Policies in India" was delivered by Mr Godwin C. Benhur, Assistant Manager, Kotak Life. The session began with a brief interactive session where the students were involved in a short activity, where each losing student had to briefly give a pointer on life insurance. Mr Benhur explained the history of life insurance in the British and Indian context and went on to discuss in detail various types of life policies that are provided by Kotak Life.

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FMR- An overview of securities contracts regulation act,1956

Ms. R. Rekha, Mcom, LLM, Advocate, High court of Madras had delivered a on the topic "Financial Market Regulation for the topic." An overview of the Securities Contracts Regulation Act, 1956”. Ms. Rekha has explained the SCRA in detail by covering the meaning, scope, evolution and relevance of stock exchanges, powers of central government and SEBI under the act along with listing of securities, etc.

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Overall view of Negotiable Instrument AcT 1881.

The special lecture on "Negotiable Instrument Act 1881" was delivered by Ms. Sindhuja. The speaker addressed several topics ranging from the basic concepts of NI to application in banking law. She also dealt with the different kinds of Negotiable Instruments. i.e promissory note, Bill of exchange and cheques, features of negotiable instruments and essentials for negotiable instruments, punishments and penalties and the recent amendements.

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various commissions relevant to the Water law in India

The lecture started from the Indus river Commission headed by Sri. B.N. Rau. this commission enunciated the Principle of equitable apportionment to be applied in the settlement of inter-state water disputes. then "Helsnik Rule" was explained which was adopted by the International law Association at its 52nd conference held in 1966 at Helsniki, Finland. Further Sankaria Commission recommendation with regards to Inter-State River Water Disputes was narrated. The lecture was concluded by giving special reference to the Inter-State River Water Dispute Act, in India 1956 and its amendment bill of 2019.

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Substantive Aspects of Civil Pleadings

Special Resource Speaker Mrs.Shanthi Palani, Assistant Professor, SRM, Chennai, delivered a lecture on the TOPIC” SUBSTANSTIVE ASPECTS of CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PLEADINGS. She dealt with the practical aspect of the legal profession in litigation and in law firms . She also entertained and enlightened the students on the right way to the legal Career. She discussed several prominent case laws, the principle of natural justice, judicial review as a part of the basic structure, the rule against biases, and due process of law.

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Working Capital Management

Special lecture on the topic “Working Capital Management" was delivered by K. Chiranjeevi Pavan Kiran, Executive, Hex-aware Technologies Limited. He has completed B.Com and MBA with specialisation in Finance and Human Resource Management . His role includes Project Management Office (PMO) for Banking and Financial Investment Vertical. He is involved in analysing of payment, managing the project and staffing of associates into projects.

The speaker started the session with the introduction to working capital with its meaning, formulae, types, cycle, time basis, pros and cons and its sources in an organisation setup. He explained various current assets and current liabilities by using various examples. The resource person also dealt with the sources of finance, its importance and listed the various sources of finance that is practically used in any business.

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Essential of Management Concept

The special lecture was delivered by Dr.G.Thiyagarajan Assistant Professor, Department of Management, DB Jain college of Art & Science,Chennai-97 on the topic "essential of management concept". The speaker emphasised on the managerial skills in upcoming lawyers He addressed the difference between modern manager and modern leader in admin perspectives. He explain about functions of management and Management by objectives(MBO) by giving more practical & corporate examples.

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