Saveetha School of Law

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Victim Compensation for crimes against women in India

Victim Compensation for crimes against women in India

The webinar was conducted by Ms. Swarnalatha who is practising as an advocate in Madras High court. She started her discussion with detailed analog of what victim compensation is and how it is scattered and implemented in India. She highlighted about the various schemes that have been implemented in many states. Also about the need for uniformed scheme across India. Also how there can be misuse of the law and people can take advantage of it where the innocents can be exploited. She gave insight-upon United Nations General Assembly Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victim and Abuse of Power adopted in November 1985, which through Article 1&2. The legislative framework in Indian regarding compensation to victim of crime can be trace through two major legislations i.e. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and Probations of Offenders Act and Constitution of India, explained how the payment of compensation of victim had evolved. The Hon'ble Courts have taken a view ( with regard to monetary aspect) when question of the award of compensation come under Cr.P.C. as compare to when it comes under Constitution.