Saveetha School of Law

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Rule of law by Adv.Narmada Sampath

Rule of law by Adv.Narmada Sampath

The webinar was held  on 2nd June of 2020. The student organizer welcomed the special guest and the participants followed by which Sushrudhan gave a brief introduction of the Guest. The guest started her lecture from the historical value of Rule of law in countries like France, Japan etc. Then she moved on to the concept of Rule of law and how it was perceived by various jurists like Albert Venn Dicey and Tom Bingham. She also explained the 8 principles laid down by Tom Bingham and explained how it relates to concepts like ADR and Double jeopardy. Moving from the historical background of Rule of law she efficiently explained the Rule of law in Modern times. She explained the Rule of law enshrined in the Constitution and how Article 19,14 and 21 are connected like vertices of a triangle. Then, she explained the international law quoting few international conventions which is effectively implementing the Rule of law. Towards the end she explained the importance of Rule of law. By the end no student asked doubt during the time given for asking questions to the resource person. By 4.10PM the webinar ended. 


Dr. Asha Sundaram, Principal, SSL

Mrs. Girija Anil, Assistant Professor, SSL