Saveetha School of Law

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Socio Legal Visit to Government Observation Home & Tamil Nadu Police Museum

Saveetha School of Law in association with Social Defence, juvenile Justice Board and Government Observation Home on 14th June 2023 conducted a Socio Legal Visit. The event was organized by Prof. Dr. Asha Sundaram, The Principal of Saveetha School of Law. The Faculty Convenor of the event is Mrs. S.P. Vidyassri, The Head of Business Law Department along with the Student Coordinator Laura Rose Selvakumar.

This socio legal visit commenced as the students of SSL met and engaged themselves in an interactive session with the residents of the Government Observation Home of the Juveniles, as the students could witness the interior of the life of the residents in Juvenile Board, the day to day life of the juvenile residents, their workshop in which they showcase their talent in music, carpentry, basic mechanism of electronics etc.

Followingly, the students visited the Juvenile Justice Board of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in where the students had the excellent opportunity to witness trials being held of the juveniles, lively in person. This session aimed mainly to impart great knowledge to the students as they are the budding lawyers of this country.

With the credibility of the key people of the Government of Tamil Nadu, the students of SSL have got this golden chance of witnessing and to gather wisdom from this socio legal visit.

The second half of the socio legal visit was to the Tamil Nadu Police Museum, Chennai. The students of SSL were exposed to this vast knowledge of Rifles, Swords, Bombs and all kinds of equipments that were used from the late 1800’s, some which were made during the British Colonial period and some of the greatest equipments which were proudly made by India herself. The students also got a chance to see the Commissioner’s office which was functioning till 2014.