Administrative Discretion,Control Over Administration and Judicial Review.
Administrative Discretion,Control Over Administration and Judicial Review.
Special Speaker Mr.P.G.Perumal Pandiyan, M.L., Practising Advocate and Member in State Legal Services Authority, Chennai, working in the field of litigation. He visited to impart a Guest- Lecture on the subject Administrative Law / LC1404 on 18.10.2019, Friday in LH-5, between 8.20am-9.40am in the TOPIC” ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION, CONTROL OVER ADMINISTRATION AND JUDICIAL REVIEW”. He has gained a lot of experience and exposure in the field of litigation during his practice in High Court, by which our students not only learned the theoretical knowledge but also got know the practical aspect of the legal profession, even in law firms and in courts. He also entertained and enlighten the presentation on the right way to the legal Career. This lecture was attended by the students of the School of Law. He also discussed many leading cases, the principle of natural justice, judicial review as a part of the basic structure, the rule against biases, and due process of law. As administration plays a vital role in Advocacy and also in Judiciary, the students were gained as incorporation for their future personal and professional carrier.