Saveetha School of Law

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A Special Lecture on the origin of International Law

A Special Lecture is conducted by Dept of International Law on the topic “Origin of International Law” The resource person was Dr. S. Anandha Krishna Raj, Professor, VIT School of Law, Chennai. Various historical topics were discussed by Sir, one of which was the origin of humans, their individual existence, their unification into compact tribes which then expanded into extensive tribes, civilized states and definite nations. Sir also discussed the development of the rule-making procedures during this process, especially within the city states which were formed during this time period. He discussed various ancient Western states such as Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and also brought ancient Tamil Civilisations such as the Cholas and the Pandyas into the picture. He emphasized how countries belonging to the ancient periods had agreements between themselves on various issues, violating which resulted in conflict and warfare. Sir, then, transcended to the laws of the modern times, on an international level. He discussed the various treaties that were brought into place after the World Wars and also ran through their relevance with respect to the current scenario. 

     Following the lecture was a question and answer session. Students, who attended the lecture, posed questions about trade, conflicts, slavery in ancient times etc. all of which were answered impressively by Sir. There was also a discussion about the current conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine, between Sir and students, during this session. The session was exhaustive and happened to be highly productive for everyone who attended it.